Anne Wilkins
Writer - Dreamer - Creator
About me
I am a sleep-deprived primary school teacher who writes in her spare time.
I live in New Zealand with my husband, two daughters, and my imagination
(it's big and sometimes nasty).
My arch nemesis is commas, I hear their wicked laughs everywhere on my pages. Even the one in this paragraph is taunting me.
“Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself.” Terry Pratchett
Publications, Achievements & Awards
"Don't" winner of Specul8 Flash Fiction Challenge #2 published online and to be published in a Christmas anthology
"I Only Have Eyes For..." to be published on 5 February by 101 Words
"Intertwined" nominated for the Sir Julius Vogel (SJV) Award
"Vessels of God" to be published in Choices: An Anthology of Reproductive Horror
"Flight 159: Service with a Smile" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 9 January
"The Scream" to be published in 2025 Kandisha Press Women of Horror Anthology
"Matariki" winner for the Holidays on Story Street Contest, published online in Story Street Review
"Needs Must be Met" Third Place for the Hammond House 2024 International Literary Prize, to be published in an anthology
Interviewed by Pauline Shen, Featured writer on her website, 4 December
"Anomaly" shortlisted in 2024 Grand Prize - Writers' Online Magazine
"Pulling Your Strings" to be published in an anthology, Burial Books, "Inanimate Things Vol 2"
"Growing Daffodils" sweet 16 in Autumn Writing Battle
"The Early Bird Catches the Worm" published in NQW (Not Quite Write) Anthology
"I Only Have Eyes For..." Finalist Globe Soup Micro-competition
Featured writer on Sci-fi Shorts main website, with "Ecstasy"
"Leaving a Legacy" Second Place in the Fall 2024 Writer's Weekly 24-hour Short Story Contest
"Grey Power" to be published in Every Day Fiction
"Whenua" Third Place in Egg & Frog Competition, First round
"Dis-Connected" published in SpecFicNZ’s 2024 anthology “Artificial Sweetener: Tales of AI: 100% written by Humans"
"Not Like the Others" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 14 October
"The Helper" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 13 September, voted Reader's Pick for September
"Tongue Lashings" Third Place in Summer 2024 Writer's Weekly 24-hour Short Story Contest
Interview with Apex, Patreon Feed, The Authors of Issue 145: Anne Wilkins, 21 August
"The Walls Have Ears" Honourable Mention in Writers of the Future Contest third quarter
Three Blind Mice, recommended in Matt Kendrick's substack as one of Ten Stories picked by T.L. Tomljanovic
"Hidden Treasure" to be published in Tales to Terrify
"Mirabilis" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 31 July
"Future Proofing" published in Black Hare Press Patreon and in "Year 6"
"The Golden Child" published in Elegant Literature #32 Bad Blood overall contest winner for June, interview forthcoming
"The Other Me" showcase, published in June Furious Fiction
"Blue Skies Loading" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 3 July, Honourable Mention judged by subscribers
"Old Money Never Dies" Highly Commended Spring 2024 Writers Weekly 24-hour Short Story Contest
"Revelations 21:8" published in Wicked Letters for Last Girl's Club Patreon feed, and online
"Trial by Fire" published in Elegant Literature #31: Phoenix Rising
"Levels of Evilness" published in Humour Me magazine, 21st Issue (June)
"Intertwined" Apex Magazine Flash Fiction May winner, published on Patreon, and in Apex July magazine
"Compulsory Upgrade" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 15 May
"Three Blind Mice" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 10 May
"The Walls Have Ears" Finalist, Sci-fi, Challenge 11,Globe Soup 7 Day Contest
"Lost and Found" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 23 April
"Becoming Avery" published in Elegant Literature #29: Doubles and Doppelgangers
"The Last Sunset" Silver Honourable Mention in Writers of the Future Contest first quarter
"Zoe" published in Cosmic Horror Monthly, August
"Old Dog, New Tricks" published in Sci-fi Shorts on 20 March
"Lessons in Love 1.0" winner of the 2024 Scenic Writer's Shack Short Story Competition
"Old Dog, New Tricks" Highly Commended, Winter 2024 Writers Weekly 24-hour Short Story Contest
"The Early Bird Catches the Worm" longlist for the January Not Quite Write Prize, and shortlist, receiving a Highly Commended prize
"Compulsory Upgrade: Teenager" longlist for February Furious Fiction
"Becoming Avery" Highly Commended in January's Off Topic Publishing Contest
"The Show Must Go On" longlist for January Furious Fiction
“A Suitcase of Colours” placed sixth in the seventh Writers’ Playground, published online
“Bent out of Shape”, winner Autumn Writing Battle, Halloween Frights genre, published on website with interview
“A Numerical Revelation” Third place, in the 42nd 'On The Premises' short story contest, published.
"Sequestering Amanda 519" published in Elegant Literature #24: Progressive Pantheons
"The Darkening" shortlisted for Hysteria Writing Competition 2023, published in anthology
“Untitled” [afterwards named ‘The Babysitter’] longlist November Furious Fiction
“Ecstasy” published in Sci-fi Shorts on 29 September
“Behind Locked Doors” published in Sci-fi Shorts on 16 September
“M is for Mama” Longlist for July Furious Fiction
“The Cold Burns” Honourable Mention Writers of the Future Contest, 4th quarter
“The Tun” published in All Worlds Wayfarer Literary Magazine, volume 16
“I am Nobody” semi-finalist Writers of the Future Contest 2nd quarter
"Hidden Treasure" Top 20, The Ghost Story Competition
"Dust" short story. Honourable Mention, NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge
"Cracks" Winner of Cambridge Autumn Short Story Festival Competition, published in Cambridge newspaper and online
"Blue Devil," runner-up in the Post-apocalyptic Media Short Story Competition, published in Through the Remains anthology
"White Blankets", short story quarter-finals, elite 8 in Winter Writing Battle
"In the Silence You Shall Be Heard" sweet sixteen in Autumn Writing Battle
"Marjorie" Winner of Writers' Online Twist Short Story Competition, published in their magazine and online
"The Provider" published in Twisted Tax Tales Anthology
"The Body" second prize, The Writers at Lovedean Short Story Competition
"For all Time" commended, published in an anthology, For all Time, Stratford Literary Festival Felix Dennis Creative Writing competition 2016
2015 "Anomaly" longlist, BBC Opening Lines Short Story Competition
2014 "New Neighbours" published in The Best of Twisty Christmas Tales
"The force is strong in this one."
Darth Vader