Work in Progress
I have two unpublished children's novels that would love to see the light of day:
Abigail the Witch
Zombie Boy
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Albert Einstein
Extract from Abigail the Witch
The three little white scars were all next to each other on her pale arm. They were lighter than the rest of the scars because they were older, but each scar had its own story. Each one a constant reminder of the times she'd broken her Mother's Rules. And yet there were only three rules: Rule One - Obey your Mother; Rule Two - A witch cannot be emotional; and Rule Three - Always be inside before darkness falls.
Extract from Zombie Boy
He cannot breathe, but he does not die. Somehow he lives and gradually he punches his way through the broken lid, through the soil. Clawing at it, pushing at it, reaching always upwards. Moving his body as much as he can, inch by inch. Up.
Then, suddenly he feels no resistance. His fingers poke through and are greeted by air. Glorious air. The rest of his body follows as slowly he pulls himself out from the ground.
He should be dead. He knows that. But he isn’t. He’s alive.